Shorten the waiting time at Oga pharmacy!nPrepare your medication in advance only to send a prescription image from the smartphone.
大賀薬局での待ち時間を短縮!スマホから処方せん画像を送信するだけで事前にお薬を準備します。操作は簡単。送信先の店舗を検索。処方せんを撮影して送信。調剤完了の連絡がきたら薬局でお薬をお受取り。※処方せん原本は必ずお持ちください。※混雑具合により、お薬のお渡しまでにお時間をいただく場合がございます。Shorten the waiting time at Oga pharmacy!Prepare your medication in advance only to send a prescription image from the smartphone.Operation is simple.Search the destination of the store.Submit to shoot a prescription.You receive your medicine at the pharmacy When you come to contact of the preparation is complete.※ prescription original, please have always.※ by the congestion, it might get time to give you your medicine.